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10/19/24 Walleye

Make that 10/18/24.
Well the Mazurik ramp wasn’t crowded at all today.
We started on the Cedar Point dump at daybreak. Marked a few on the east side of it so we put down our lines. 2 bandits, 2 spoons, 2 salmos. We headed NNW toward Kelly Island Shoal. We kept marking them, so we kept going in the same direction. It stayed at about 44 fow. After a couple hours of trying various colors, lure depths and speeds, we had marked about 100 big suspended fish but hadn’t had a single bite. Maybe they weren’t hungry after eating all night under the full moon?
By 10am, we reached a position about 2 miles due south of the eastern-most green buoy of Kelly’s Island Shoal. And we started marking a lot more. Kicked it off with a nice 26″ at 10am. It hit on a blue and chrome bandit, 60′ back unassisted in 44 fow going 2mph. We spent the rest of the day going back and forth from south of the shoal to east of it. There are nets to the east so watch out for those.
The hot spot seemed to be a 3/4 mile stretch from 1 mile SE of that buoy to 1.75 miles of that buoy in 44 fow. We marked even more in 43 fow but caught more in 44 fow. We only caught on bandits, and they definitely preferred 60′ back to all other depths. They bit at 2mph and they bit at 3mph and everything inbetween. Almost every color got bit although the blue/chromes and the black-headed wonder bread caught multiple fish. Ended up landing 8 walleye. 2 more got away. And we got 1 white bass. Thye hit there all day long, although a little too far and few between. We did notice one other boat netting one in the same area. There were a dozen boats nearby for most of the day so they must have been having some success.
Back at the cleaning station, a guy said he spent the whole day at the Cedar Point dump and got 11 eyes, 2 white bass, and 1 catfish that looked to me to be 30 pounds.
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