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5/15 report

We went West to work the reefs. That didn’t work out so well. After a couple hours and only 2 eyes we pulled the spread and headed North East to the line.

We finally found a nice pod and started to pick some eyes and had 2 large sheeps that sunk the inline boards. We had 10 eyes in the boat when all hell broke loose. We had an outside board move away from the boat instead of behind and circle back in wrapping up 4 other boards. It was total chaos. 5 boards pulled together and still moving.

Well after much cutting and cursing we got the culprit in. It was a yellow cat that was about 20 pounds. Fortunately we didn’t loose a board or any bandits. But there was allot of balled up line and all the rods on that side had to be re-rigged. We decided to call it and head in.

Best lead was Bandits 75 back, at 1.8 mph. Best color was nascar.

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