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5/8 fishing

Returned to the south side of Green and made a pass where we (myself and five children) ended the night before. At the south bass ferry line we circled and headed up the west side for a while.
Moved up to the North side of Rattlesnake and trolled (12 lines) East through the channel to Middle Bass shoal. Moved to Gull buoy and trolled North East towards line until we were well Northeast of Kelleys shoal. Moved south and looked for marks East of the airport and south a bit. Picked up some ice at the ferry dock and headed west again with four fish, lunch and disappointment. There were a few boats between carpenters point and starve island drifting and trolling, so we set up Southwest of them and made a pass along the south side of the pack. Picked up a few on the first line (1:30-2:30?) and continued to work the area until 7:30. Finished with 27 keepers, a handful of shorts, two fish Ohio drums and a few other odd balls.
From all our travels I was amazed at the lack of marks from Gull around the east side of Kelley’s. The area we worked at the last showed better marks than anywhere else we had been.
We used the following spread-
2-p-10’s at 100’
6- bandits 40-100’
2- flicker minnow / small spoon 30/30 2oz
2- disc diver / medium spoon (I like the lite bite slide diver for finding shorts)
Pink, white and blue worked best. The spoons took no keeper walleye.
Thanks to all who keep posting, I appreciate the posts whether at the lake or not!
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