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9/16 fish report

I started perching south of middle bass shoal early morning. Caught the first one in about 3 minutes. Nice fish, but no more for 3 hours. Lots of fingering walleye, and a few white bass. Said the heck with it, and put the trolling gear together. Oh my I’m glad I did. Crushed them. Trolled east to west, back and forth along the middle bass shoal to the north in 30ish fow give or take. Running spoons behind dipseys. First fish in about 5 minutes. Nice quality fish that I have never caught here before. First was 22” then a few shorts-to eater size. Then thought I had a big sheep. Na na….30” beast. He got returned. I didn’t even get a picture as running 3 troll rods by yourself is a handful. Caught a hog 20”, and a couple more eaters. Plus more shorts. Only 1 white bass, and the 1 big sheep that hit screamed drag for a couple seconds, then got off. The spoon that did most of the damage was wonder bread. Unfortunately I only have 1 as earlier in the season the sheep were pounding it, and I didn’t get more when I replenished due to that. I am going to forego the perch tomorrow, and troll straight away.
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