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Draggin’ the Line with John and Terry

John was supposed to fish with a buddy earlier in the week but the remnant of the hurricane busted up that deal.Only possibly of fishing was Friday if weather and his Buddy Terry could join us.The stars aligned and Terry flew John up from Zanesville.Headed to same place yesterday that we fished last week.Just north of line in Canada and the nets off the NE side of Kelly’s.Got lines in water around 6:45am after a smooth ride out and the fish were still there.Took us just under 4 hrs but sorted through 35 fish to get out 18 keepers that weighed 42 lbs at cleaners.The dipseys caught almost all the fish today again.Had on two double willow worm harness in purple/pink blades, one green spoon harness and a J7.Had them 3 setting at 80 and 85 and one setting 60 and 65.Got A few on the two boards with a blue chrome bandits at 150 with 2oz at 50.Best speed around 2.7 mph Had 16 keepers and were getting more selective when John and Terry were messing around bringing a board in they thought had a fish.I was on other side of boat waiting for them to have nothing when the drag sang out on a rod next to me.Was a heavy fish and John slowed the boat down to help reel in what was probably a huge sheepshead.When fish rolled at surface and didn’t look like a sheep.Then I thought it was a big cat and John got net ready to lift it out of water.Was horsing in when got close enough to get a good look and it was a big eye.Was 25″ but a thick fish thst weighed 6 lbs.Took a little while to get last keeper when wind died and sun was bright.But no midges or flies.Great day on the water.
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