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Drydock no more!

After about 20 months of drydock due to a surgery last year, got the boat in for a 4 hour shakedown cruise on the 15th with my neighbor Bob. Started around G and ended around Niagra and Cone reef area after a fish tip from my friend John. Was a little bumpy that day. Mayfly’s were not as thick at Niagra and Cone on the screen. Caught 5 keeper eyes with alot of throwbacks. Had an issue with my Helix. The transducer had started leaking fluid (sitting in the sun to long?) and was replaced this May. The Helix kept blinking and locking, so took it home last weekend, backed it up and put in the latest software update. Was fine at Home on battery there. Hooked it up in the boat Friday AM and was doing the same thing. Turns out the external GPS antennae failed so took it out of the connection and ran the internal antennae.

So neighbor Bob and I set out 6-22 to between G/F can on the range. Mayfly’s had really thinned out. Trolled between 2.5 -2.8MPH. Kept our 12 keeper Eye and alot of shorts, plenty of sheep & white ones and 2 cats, 1 of which had to be about a 10#. Was thinkin perhaps it was a Steelhead as it went wherever it wanted to for quite a while. Could not seem to keep our lines in the water but it was a fun workout with no Eye fishing for either one of us last year. We were back in the river before 11 so were able to beat most of the heat until I cleaned the boat. Dipsey settings .5/2/3.5, were 32’/42’/62′ Best spoon was a stinger Barney STD, with a close second Yeck Night rider.

A beautiful day on the lake!

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