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Fishing Day 3 of 3 with John and Janet….7/31/2024

John and Janet, had one more day of fishing, and one more night in town, before they head back to Missouri. Janet told me that Missouri is known as the “Show Me” state, so I wanted today to go even better than it did yesterday, and yesterday was pretty darn good.

It was going to be a nice day, either way. There was no rain in the forecast, the sky was clear, and the winds were expected to be light. The air temp this morning, was 74 degrees.

I picked them up at the Whitecaps Motel, at 4:40am. After picking up ice for the coolers, we headed to Huron, again. I had been given some good info last night, using Flicker Minnows, so I took off my “confidence baits” that had been working for the past two months, and put some number 11s on.
I’m not going to give the area, or the depth on that one, because it wasn’t my find, and the info was given to me, so it’s’ not my info to share. I know you understand.

All I’ll say is, is that we caught 5 there, before deciding it was too slow, and headed back to where we caught them early, yesterday. The plan was to get the walleye early, again, and then go try for some perch in the area.

We left the first area, and headed out to where we started yesterday, in 38′ of water NNE of the river. (This will be known as “spot 2”).
Yesterday, we had our limits in one pass, so I was kind of expecting the same, this morning.

After the boat was set up, and headed in a NNEasterly direction, the Flicker Minnows were replaced with my tried and true little hunters…the Spro 85 and the Bill Lewis PWC Lites.

Speed was set to 2.3-2.5mph on the FishHawk.

The wind was out of the SSW at around 10mph, so the waves were much less than they were yesterday, with that 15-20mph SW wind we had.
Today was 1′ or less, and yesterday was 1-3s, 10 miles out.
There was just enough wind to keep the bugs at bay, but not enough to make it rough. It was… kind of… perfect. 🙂

Perfect weather, but not a perfect bite…
The area we fished yesterday has been infiltrated with A LOT of white perch, so we had to continually check the dipsies, and reel in the Off Shore boards, every time a flag laid down. I think we caught close to 90, or more….I wasn’t keeping count, but it was constant work for me, and my “First Mate” Janet, to keep resetting lines. But, she enjoyed every minute of it, while John was enjoying seeing his wife of 30+ years doing what she loves to do, and kept our moral up by being positive.

After picking up a keeper walleye here, and there… in-between the onslaught of white perch…we found a good school of bigger walleye, than we had been catching. (spot number 3).
Most of the fish in the early morning cooler were 16-20 inch fish, and the late morning catches were 20-24 inches.
We were fishing over 36 feet of water in the third spot.

The program that I ran yesterday, in the 38-43 feet of water is in the previous day’s report, so if you need it, you can find it there.

The program for our third spot, over 36 feet of water, was similar, but with little changes in leads.

A Spro 85s ran with a 2oz snap weight, on the starboard side’s outside board, at 50/67 , and a BL PWC Lite ran behind the inside board at 50/27. Colors were Pink Lemonade and Purple Tiger.

The port side ran two Bill Lewis PWC Lites (Blue/Chrome and Barbie) at 50/65, and 50/43 with 2 oz snap weights.

The two inside dipsies ran on the zero settings at 45 and 50 back back.

The three setting dipsey ran at 70 back and the two setting dipsey ran at 65 back.

In the second spot, I was changing out colors of spoons, and lures, trying to catch walleye and not white perch, but those little buggers eat everything. It would be nice, too…if, the white perch could learn to just take ONE hook in their mouths, instead of all three…every time.

The third spot was mostly walleye and not white perch, and they were hitting everything we had out, so it didn’t take long to finish our tickets.

We ended right on time, with 10 minutes to spare, but we caught all our fish, and even beat yesterdays weight, so John and Janet were very happy with their three day adventure, and want to come back again, next season. I can’t wait to do it again! Janet’s last words to me, as we parted, were, “Well, I guess you showed us!”, then, nodded and smiled…. and, that makes me happy! 🙂

My next scheduled trip is Monday, August 6th, for a perch trip.

Weather permitting, I have this weekend available.

Stay tuned….

Capt Juls

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