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Fishing with Frank and Ray….10/27/2024

Frank and Ray are staying at the Plantation Motel for the week, so I asked them to meet me at the Huron ramp at 7:30, so we could be launched by 7:45. However, I got there at 6:45, because I expected the get ready lanes to be jammed up, and I wanted to make it to the front of the line, before they got there. But, to my surprise, it really wasn’t that busy that early, and I was able to get one of the front spots right away. So, I sent Frank a text, and told him I was there, and that whenever they were ready, they should head over. They made it there by 7:15, and we were headed out of the river just as the sky started to paint itself with colors of oranges and yellows, at 7:30.

The wind forecast was predicted to be less than 10mph out of the SSE, which it was… when we left the harbor, and made it out to 40 feet of water, south of Vermilion.
As the morning progressed though, the wind picked up to around 10-15, making the waves go from 1 foot or less, to 1-3’s. We had trolled out to 43 feet of water, and caught 8 fish, before deciding to head over closer to Vermilion. Reason being, Frank and Ray would be using their boat for the rest of the week, and I wanted to see if we could find some fish closer to shore for them. They don’t like it rough, and the wind is supposed to be up the next several days…but, an offshore wind, so they should be able to fish closer to shore.

It was a good call, because I marked fish on the Helix all the way in from 42′ to 35 feet, where we shut down and turned the Vexus around to make a pass from east to west, over the fish I had marked on the way in. There were a lot of fish, but a slow bite. The fish we did catch in that area were a little fatter than the fish we caught earlier, too, so that made Frank and Ray happy.

We ran dipsies with spoons, and Bandits and baby Spros behind Off Shore boards, but the dipsies did most of the work today. We only caught two fish on the cranks (and, we changed them out a couple of times…with and without 2oz snap weights).

While the dipsey depths were changed often, the best leads were the zero setting at 54 and the three setting at 85.

We caught 18, but lost one at the boat, so we only put 17 in the cooler this morning. Frank and Ray said they had a great time, so that makes me happy!

I don’t have anything scheduled until November 3rd now, so it’s time to get some garden work and housework done, before it gets cold.

Stay tuned….

Capt Juls

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