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Fishing with Steve and Debbie….7/22/2024

Sorry for the lack of reports the past couple few weeks but, those that follow me on Facebook already know that I was having some electronics issues, a sprained ankle, and a couple of cancellations during that time, so my time on the water has been limited this month.

My electronics are working fine again, my ankle is healed, and I have a handful of trips scheduled for the rest of the month. In other words, I have some openings. 🙂

With that said….let’s get on to today’s report.

Yesterday, I prefished with some old friends, for this morning’s trip, and where we ended yesterday, is where I was going to start this morning.

The alarm went off at 2AM, and, as usual, I grabbed a cup of coffee and headed out to the back deck with the dogs. The air was calm, crisp, and clear. The temperature was 61 degrees, and the full moon that lit up the backyard with a dull light, was waning.

I picked up Steve and Debbie from The Whitecaps Motel at 5AM. We drove through town, to the gas station. After gassing up the truck, I grabbed some ice for the fish cooler, and some for the boat cooler, too. It was only 5:15 when we got to Mazurik’s, so we waited until it was light enough to launch. With the commercial nets moving from area to area this time of year, I prefer to wait and launch when I can see the little flag markers on the nets.

We were headed to the area between Cedar Point and Huron. When we got close to where me and my friends were fishing yesterday, the Vexus came off plane and the Helix lit up with good marks…I felt confident we would have a good morning of fishing, and catching.

Once the FishHawk was sent down to its designated depth of 20 feet, the Terrova and the Baby Merc were synchronized to acquire a speed of 2.3-2.5mph…then, directed to the east.

Water temp was 76 degrees

(4) Baby Spros (85s) were riding behind Off Shore boards with 2 oz Guppie weights hitting the 21-26 foot range in the water column.

(2) Chrome Perch, Blue Chrome, and I think, a Purple Tiger (?) (It’s purple tigerish on the back, and has a white belly).

The cranks caught the bigger fish, this morning… but, they sometimes dragged itty-bitties around until we checked them, too. But, the dipsies caught the most fish.

The dipsies kept busy with Scorpion spoons, Yeck spoons (D-11s), and a Yaleye Mooneye Minnow.
The inside dipsies ran on the zero setting anywhere from 40 to 54 back.
The outside port dipsey was on the three setting, and bounced back and forth from 70 to 85 back.
The outside starboard dipsey was on the two setting at was set at 65 all morning.

I’m often asked what rods and reels I use for my dipsies:
The inside rods are 6′ Med Ugly Stiks, and the outside rods are 8’6″ Okuma Classic Pro GLTs “Downrigger” rods.
I’m using the old style Shimano Tekota 500 reels, that were used on my board rods, until I bought new Tekotas for the board rods, and moved the old ones to the dipsies, to replace the older Diawa Sealine 27s.
The reels are spooled up with 30# Power Pro in yellow, so it can be seen in the water, and a visual of a line angle change easily noted.
I run the size 1 dipsies with the ring, and use an 8″ snubber, from Amish Outfitters, (I just like their snubbers best), behind the dipsey.
The leader length is whatever my arm spread is. I’m tall, so they are probably around 6 footers.

Everything caught fish….We all kept busy reeling in fish, and talked about how the future of the fishery looks strong, and in about 4 years, the fishing is going to be awesome. All these little fish will be really nice reproducers, and good sized fish that anyone would be happy to catch in the future. 🙂

The smallest walleye caught was around 5 inches, and the biggest was a nice chubby 26 incher. Debbie was thrilled to be the one that caught that one, because it is the biggest walleye she has ever caught to date. Woot! Woot!

They had a good time, and did great! Their positive attitude, and energy to just have fun, whether we caught fish, or not, was just super cool, and relaxing. But, we did manage our 3 person limit, so it’s safe to say, it was an awesome morning of fishing and catching with the Jones’s. 🙂

Right now, I don’t have anything scheduled until next Saturday, so unless I pick up a trip, I’ll be entertaining the dogs, cleaning the house, working in the yard and gardens, and cleaning the boat, this week.

Stay tuned….

Capt Juls

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