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Thanks for the advice regarding jigging…

I finished a men’s conference at Parkside Church in Charagin Falls, Ohio about noon on Wednesday and headed over to the Port Clinton area with my 16′ boat. The weather could not have been any more perfect and I got on the water about 3pm. I launched out of Fenwick and went out front in 13-14′ of water. I bounced 3/4 oz purple hair jigs and caught only drum. I decided to troll a bit and caught one 18″ walleye in 17′ of water just west of where Fenwick launch puts you into the lake. As I was coming in at dark, there were a couple of smaller boats casting and most likely dragging jigs and I saw the nets go down a couple of times. I tried for a while but was just out of energy. I stayed the night at White Caps and can tell you the room was great with all you need. The room was clean and the price was very competitive. I was on the water this morning at about 5:30 and went out to 13′ of water as was suggested on this site. The first hour, I had 4 walleyes simply casting out and bouncing back a 3/4 oz purple hair jig/stinger. After about an hour with nothing, I got antsy and headed out to deeper water where all the other boats were over in the locust reef area. I managed to jig up a 17″ fish and a few drum. I needed to head home at about 11 so I settled for 5 nice walleye and appreciate the advice I received from this site. If I would have had a little more energy and had remembered my head light, I think you could do well jigging right at dark and for a period of time after dark. I was just too tired and wanted to hit it early this morning. Again thanks and my family and friends will enjoy the fillets…
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