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10/18 Walleye report

It is that time of year again when the big eyes are due back west, but the Brawl and slam inhibits reporting. We will try to help when we can but some guests are adamant about not wanting posts on their fish.

Capt. Christy and I got out for a few hours this afternoon to try and get back on the eyes consistently. We have been doing allot of Perching and the wind has kept us in lately.

We looked around the South passage and up around Kelleyes, Middle island, Gull and Kelleye shoals. Mainly looking for clean water. It was disappointing. We pushed further east and started getting good marks. We put out a test spread covering the water column over 42 ft. We where running mostly big fish baits but they didn’t produce. We had a nice pick on Bandits and Spros back 80 and 90 naked at 2.2 mph. Best colors were Bandit Taco Salad and Spro Gold Perch.

Water temps were in the mid 50s. Our smallest fish was 19 inches and the largest 24.

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