35-40 back at 1.6 – 1.9 mph, into the current (12-15 FOW) was the ticket. Best patterns were Smokeshow Shad, Pimp Daddy Perch, Glow Wonderbread and Blueberry Cheesecake.
Several times we had 3 or more on at once. One time, we had 5 on at once and then the 6th one had a drive-by. We only landed 3 of the 5. One got off as I was horsing it in. The other got off as I was trying to swing it into the boat. Towards the end I was only putting out 2 lines on my side, because 3 was too many to deal with as fast as they were going back. They were all nice eaters, but nothing bigger than 25″.
It’s been a while since I had a trip with that kind of action. Early in the day I set a goal that we would get to 50 fish landed. My partner said, “I have heard about people getting 50 fish in a day, but I would have to see it to believe it”…..he saw it, and now he believes it…:D. BTW, we kept 12 eaters and the rest were immediately released.