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Fishing with Steve and Jeremy…4/10/2024

Sorry, this one is late, due to family being in town, and my entertaining them while they are here. They are still sleeping this morning, so I thought I would catch up a little.

A quick recap of this trip, for those interested, is basically the same as the day before, that I had with Lisa and Tanya.

We started out off Catawba, where I had the ladies, but ended up NW of there, in 25 feet of water, with Steve and Jeremy. The fish had moved from the day before, but we found enough to keep the boys busy for a few hours.

We had a late start, due to them driving up from Columbus that morning, so we didn’t hit the water until 9am. By the chatter on the radio, it sounded like the early bite was over, and it slowed way down for most people. My guys heard it, too, and were like….”Meh, we’re just glad to be out on the water today”, so that made me relax a bit. That’s the plus side of fishing with the same people for over 12

We did manage to catch their limit, and one of mine, to take home, though.

We ran Bandits behind Off Shore boards on the starboard side, and DHJ12’s on the port side. The double jointed DHJ in blue/white/orange belly, and the one I call “Eriedescent” caught several at 65 back. One that is all chartreuse with three black dots on its side, caught two, also.

Bandit colors and leads that worked for us were:

Khaki at 80 back (but this color was also a favorite of the giant white bass, too)
Carrot Top at 53 back
Painted Barbie at 43 back
Blue Chrome at 40 back (caught the most, I think)

Speed was 1.6 on the FishHawk, but we also caught fish going faster, and slower.
We did a lot of S-Turns, and bumping the speed up and down with the Terrova. They reacted to the speed changes more than if we were just going one speed the entire time.

Water temp on Wednesday was 46 degrees at 15′ down and 47 on the surface.

Yesterday, we got A LOT of rain, and it’s raining again this morning (Friday), and is expected to rain all day, again. The forecast is also calling for a big WNW wind today…gusting into the 40’s. Luckily, I was scheduled off yesterday and today, so I didn’t have to bother with rescheduling anyone. But, tomorrow’s trip has been rescheduled to a new date in May.

I’ll be back out on Sunday and Monday with husband and wife team, Casey and Heather Wheeler, who want to learn some things. Hopefully, we can find some cleaner water up between the islands, with some hungry fish in it, for them to catch.

Stay tuned….

Capt Juls

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