Fished with John this morning, Saturday June 24th east of Pelee from 6-10am.Handled 18 keepers,7 shorts and one sheephead.Our 12 weighed 28lbs at cleaners.Speed was 2.0-2.3 mph with biggest 22″.We ran all meat today with spoon harness off our 2 dipseys running at 3 setting.Had 2 inline boards with gold double willow harness on a #2 tadpole.Our white spoon harness on dipsey did very well today and caught all day.Changed out other dipsey to a double willow harness in gold after a while.Had dipseys initially at 40 and 45 and the harnesses at 45 also.Seams the #2 tadpole and dipsey at 3 setting run at same depth at the same lead.So whatever lead starts catching it’s easy to switch the dipsey or tadpole to that same lead too .About halfway through our day the bite changed and changed our leads to 50 and 55.Had a nice overcast sky and some drizzle to help the bite too.Sun came out when we got back home to boot